Friday 27 November 2009

Sheye Rosemeyer from the bottom of my heart keep blogging!



Thank you for being out there.
 For being real.
For being available.

For writing the blog posts that tell us that you wonder sometimes if you even want to keep blogging because you sense there is no use to it. Oh my dear girl -- keep blogging. To you who write through falling tears on your keyboard about a crushing experience with your precious Ava -- where you feared you'd hurt your very spirit with your words. Only to be showered with reassuring words by multiplied tons of women out there (whom you've never met) that you ARE an amazing mother, and that each one of us has felt that same sharp pain after we've mouthed words to our children, niece's, sisters and brothers that we wish we could grab back.
Keep blogging.

One day one of us will have a crushing experience that we will then feel free to open up about. You will have paved the way for others to then receive the reassurance and comfort they need. Oh dear girl.
Keep blogging.

This is the kind of civility and showing of kindness and generosity of spirit that our world needs modeled. You live by your heart and your gift of giving -- there are those who will learn from you and then adopt for themselves such lovely habits of sharing with another -- "just because".
Keep blogging.

You are an influence for grace
in this otherwise not-so-graceful world. You have the most beautiful children and you have us. You are not alone Sheye, so whenever you feel heartbroken again just remember we will  share your pain.

My adorable niece Oliwia and her yummy sweet mummy.



Angel said...

Wow beautiful photos. Sheye if you see this girl keep blogging you save people's souls with your beautiful blog.

Trisha said...

Beautiful photo's Jessica. I love everything you do.

Craig said...

Beautiful words you are so right Jessica. Sheye is amazing and she should not give up. MORE POWER TO HER FAMILY.

Jewels said...

So inspiring the way you just wrote that. May I ask who is Sheye is she your friend.

Karen said...

Lovely blog. Especially the photos are breathtaking of your niece's.

Criss Warren said...

I love the way you express your words to confort others. Amazing pictures.

Victoria Rose Baxter said...

Bless you Sheye I hope all is well. Thank you Jessica for introducing me to Sheye and her blog. She is truly an amazing mother and the best photogrpaher I have ever seen, not comparing to me, who is only nearly as good.

Brigette said...

Beautifully written. Sheye please for the love of my reading yuor blog. Keep blogging.

Photos beautiful as always.

Tally said...

Beautiful photos. Whos is Sheye if I may ask?

Joe said...

Yeah who is this Sheye women. I understand she does photography right?

Elizabeth said...

I totally agree with everything you wrote. I love she and I hope her family is doing well. Beautiful photos you have taken of Oliwia she is soooooooooo adorable. And her mummy is ever so pretty.

Shaina said...

My I swear you have three niece's. This little girl is beautiful wow.