Sunday 8 November 2009

From a mothers heart.

One thousand days without Ava...
All that beauty.
All those hopes.
All that laughter.
All those dreams.
All those wishes.
All her kisses.

We still don't understand why.

Sheye Rosemeyer has to stay strong for her family.
Recently, I was in tears thinking of Ava and wishing she was alive and well. Nothing can turn the clock back, no text can mend Sheye's torn heart of loosing Ava. Maybe it's because she misses Ava so much. It always makes me feel sad, and so depressed to hear about a child, that has died for any reason. I always feel pain in my heart, because I wounder what a beautiful life the child could of had.
Thank you my beautiful people for supporting Sheye every step of the way.

I thank Sheye Rosemeyr for allowing me to use her photo of Ava in this blog. Thank you, thank you and thank you. I can't thank you enough. x

Ava Beth Rosemeyer, my favourite picture of her.


Alicia said...

Ava forever loved and missed.

Sara said...

Aww such a beautiful girl. Her beauty was magical.

Rest in peace Angel.

Daisy said...

I wish Ava's family well. I hope her broken heart will mend like you wrote. Such a tragety to loose someone so beautiful and precious. My prayers are with you Sheye.