Wednesday, 2 December 2009

I nearly missed the moment to capture the perfect picture of my niece's.

A photographer's life is never that simple. At some point you will end up facing a challenge taking pictures with children or toddlers, as I did. Trust me nothing can truly prepare you for the experience - it's both liberating and terrifying at the same time. The combination of a child's boundless energy and a complete disregard for instruction makes them the most mentally,technically and physically challenging family member to snap. You can't tell them where to sit, you can't tell them where to look and asking for a smile will give you little more than a contorted grimance. A helpful assistent above all else, when taking photos of children is lots of toys. So as you see below I took photo's of my darling niece's. My niece Oliwia the blonde sweet girl kept pulling sad faces. I was waiting to capture the moment and I managed to get it. Once the moment is gone, it's gone. There are no replays. My trick is to take hundreds of photo's untill I am satisfied with the result.

Oliwia, this was my 25 shot of a photo.

I see beauty in this picture.

Tiffani has the most blue stunning eyes.

Black & white effect produced in photoshop.

Looks like Sheye Rosemeyer got me addicted to photoshop. Photoshop does amazing wonderful things. If my photo is not up to it's standards - photoshop is like a repair tool that makes the photo look beautiful anyway.

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