Monday, 30 November 2009

Moons ago I remembered my outdoor fun adventure with friends.

A while back I remember going to Box Hill half an hour away from where I lived. My friends tagged along too and we went on an amazing adventure.We explored the beautiful hills. The amazing part was standing on top of one of the hills, you literally feel as if you are upside down. No wonder the hills are called 'the upsidedown hills'. As we walked on the pathway we came across this old grave. If I remember correctly Major Peter Labelliere (1726-1800) was buried there. So I took my camera and took one shot of the grave, to remind me of this fascinating place. The shocking part was that I saw a white line dash across the grave. Spooky or what? I don't understand what it ment, but I just figured maybe his ghost was visiting us. I managed to take a photo of the white bright line, just before it momenterally disappeared.  I did my research and found out that Major Peter Labelliere was buried upsidedown with his face facing towards the beautiful view. He left instructions that on his death he was to be buried upsidedown in Box Hill, claiming that the world was topsy-turvy and he wanted to be right in the end. He got his wish. 

This is the photo. What do you believe about the white line?

I started missing my niece's even more every single day. I love being around them, taking photos of them and playing silly games with them. Now that I have to study hard, I hardly see them anymore. I can't stand the missing, it makes me want to buy a bus ticket and go all the way to visit them.


Marianne said...

O my the white line is spooky. I do believe in ghosts and just looking at that grave makes me scared. Don't worry christmas soon, so you can be with your wounderful niece's.

Marianne said...

O my the white line is spooky. I do believe in ghosts and just looking at that grave makes me scared. Don't worry christmas soon, so you can be with your wounderful niece's.

Dale said...

I remember this day clearly. The white line scared me half to death, and then everyone else claimed they saw it too hmmm. Great times.

Stephanie said...

I went there once and it was lovely, but the grave freaked me out a little. The hills are amazing thou.

Ala said...

I absolutely love your blog. Ypur niece's are so adorable. I love reading memory posts, sort of reminds me of my childhood =]